Ibrahim Gashi

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ibrahim-Gashi.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Ibrahim Gashi (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, IG= Ibrahim Gashi IG: I am Ibrahim Gashi from Privoca. I am now 69 years old. It was spring and we used to call it “the bloody season”. The spring of ’98 came with the smell of blood. In Kosovo the season came bleeding, as the barbarians brought them. They were severe for us in Kosovo. A season of bullets and gunpowder was the spring of ’99 when the barbarian madness made us...

Mersie Kameri

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Mersie-Kameri.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Mersie Kameri (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, MK=Mersie Kameri MK: I am Mersie Kameri. I was born on 1963. I have 5 children. I live with my husband. We have lived as refugees for 18 years in Skopje. BG: Could you tell me something about the situation when you were told that you had to leave the house and go to Macedonia? MG: When the war began, we were frightened and went to Skopje. We saw the aircrafts shooting missiles and when...

Blerina Muqolli

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Blerina-Muqolli.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Blerina Muqolli (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, BM=Blerina Muqolli BG: Could you please tell something about yourself? BM: Yes. So, I am Blerina Muqolli. I come from Peja. I have finished the primary and secondary school in Peja, then I continued my studies at “Hasan Prishtina” University here in Prishtina, in the department of Journalism at the Faculty of Philology. I have worked as a journalist in a TV and a newspaper. Now, for two years and some months, I have...

Dardan Hoti

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Dardan-Hoti.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Dardan Hoti (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, DH=Dardan Hoti BG: Could you tell me something about yourself? DH: I am Dardan Hoti and I work as a... so people now that: I am a journalist, but for the moment I am working as an organizer and producer. It’s been 8 years that I work in the media, mainly combining the media with the Human Rights, so using media to work in favour of Human Rights. I currently work in Dukagjini TV......

Fatlum Sadiku

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Fatlum-Sadiku.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Fatlum Sadiku (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, FS=Fatlum Sadiku BG: Tell us something about yourself. FS: I am Fatlum. Fatlum Sadiku from Mitrovica. I was born in 1987. My life has, more or less, been spent living in different places. I said that I come from Mitrovica but the war and the after-war period has led to my ending up in Vushtrri. I completed my studies ultimately the year before last year in Istanbul on Political Sciences and International Relations. Perhaps,...

Fjolla Dumani

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Fjolla-Dumani.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Fjolla Dumani (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, FD= Fjolla Dumani FD: I am Fjolla Dumani. I live in Prishtina. I was born and raised in Prishtina. Currently, I work as a teacher in an international school. I love my job a lot because I work with children, international and Kosovan children... and I want to contribute in making the world a better place. Thus, perhaps I have found an occupation wherewith I wanted to change the world. BG: Could you tell...

Gent Muhaxheri

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Gent-Muhaxheri.mp3 Bjeshka Guri ( interviewer) Gent Muhaxheri ( interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, GM=Gent Muhaxheri GM: I am Gent Muhaxheri, 29 years old. I work as a freelance make-up artist. BG: Do you remember anything from the war? GM: Yes, of course. When the war started I was 9 years old. During the war I became 10, in April. I remember many things; I remember the time when the war first started and when we started seeing in the news what was happening, what was going...

Lavdi Zymberi

https://museumofrefugees-ks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Lavdi-Zymberi.mp3 Bjeshka Guri (interviewer) Lavdi Zymberi (interviewee) Acronyms: BG=Bjeshka Guri, LZ= Lavdi Zymberi BG: Can you tell me something about yourself? LZ: Yes. I am Lavdi Zymberi. I am 30 years old. I come from Gjilan. Now, I have moved to Prishtina, where I live and work. BG: Do you remember anything about the war? What are your first memories? What was the situation? LZ: Yes. I was 11 years old during the war. Old enough to remember many things. I know that, perhaps I cannot...